a Fraud Company Scam Website Hello Everybody! I want to bring this in your knowledge the experience i got after making my order at this scam website . On 2nd August, 2013 i have made an order #54677 for the phone iNEW i6000 2G/ 32G White color here is the link ( ). Before making my order i chatted in online chat on their website . And in online chat they confirmed me that this phone is available in their stock. They confirmed me two times. I made my order and paid USD $367.90 for this phone. The phone had to deliver to me on 8th August as i have also chosen DHL Shipping. On 4th August, 2013 i got an email from the company that the phone is not in their stock. It was a big disappointment for me because i made this order after their //confirm/i/iation. So i asked them when it would be available? And next day they replied me it will take time. I had only two options is either cancel my order immediately or choose any other phone to close this deal. So i visited their website and seen this phone UMI X2 2g/32g ( ). Next day they replied me that this phone is also not in their stock. So same moment i cancelled my order and asked them to refund my full payment immediately to my Paypal account. Besides this to cross check i went to their website and chatted online to enquire this phone availability that they told me is not in their stock. And as expected in online chat they confirmed me three times that this phone is in their stock. So it was absolutely very clear that this company is misleading their customers to make order of such products they have not in their stock since long. And after payment customers find himself in such a situation is to choose unwanted other products from their store or waits for weeks and months. is working as scam website and misleading peoples to make orders of the products they don't have. I cancelled my order on 6th August and told them to refund my full amount immediately. On 7th August they mailed me that they need 72 hours to process my refund. 72 HOURS FOR REFUND through Paypal? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Paypal takes minutes or you can say seconds to process they payment. Anyhow I gave them 72 hours and they had to make the payment before 10th August. But hadn't paid me until 12th August when i went to Paypal website and opened a Dispute at Paypal Resolution Center. And surprisingly minutes after i opened the dispute at paypal they replied to me in mail and also in few minutes they refunded my whole amount. Thanks to PAYPAL but Shame on you were waiting for this? Three times i warned that i am serious do not take me lightly. But you delayed me by emails and wasted my 10 days. I will post this experience everywher. And also will bring this into the notice of PAYPAL, MonEY BOOKERS, ICANN, CHINA CYBER CRIME. Because you guys need a good lessons for the CHEAP practicing, the cheap ways you are cheating peoples. There are no NEGATIVE marking on this website else i will give this company rank in negative numbers. Here is the online CHAT HISTORY. Read this guys CHAT HISTORY dated 7th August, 2013 ( ) ########################## hey i have an enquiry Jacqueline: hello how may i help you today? do you have this phone umi x2 ? 2GB RAM + 32GB ROM white color? Jacqueline: yes it is in stock kindly refer to thew link white color is only avaiable I have asked the mobile phone not the flip case do you have this phone umi x2 ? 2GB RAM + 32GB ROM white color? Jacqueline: soory wrong url yes i am asking this phone is this phone available in your stock? UMI X2 2GB RAM + 32GB ROM white color? Jacqueline: yes you have it in your stock? Jacqueline: sir how many times do i need to say that YES we have it in stock Okay thank you Thanks for your reply Jacqueline: you are welcome goodbye! ########################## lies and never never never make any order to this website. I hope paypal and other authorities will take action on this website and close their all accounts and good if they BAN this website. Atleast other peoples will be safe from this fraud company. Need any proof of my mails with do write to me. a Fraud Company Scam Website
2015-12-16 10:50 View:73