Trade Knowledge
Common terms used in International Trade
2015-12-16 10:50  View:195

Bill of Lading

This includes the title of the goods and is a contract to carry goods via a ship. By transferring a Bill of Lading from one party to another, transfers the ownership of the goods between those parties.

Freight Forwarder

Is an agent that arranges the transfer of the cargo from one country to another. This will include the shipping, customs clearance etc.


Is a Full Container Load and refers to one shipment from an exporter to an importer that utilises one or more full shipping containers.


Is a Less than Container Load which refers to smaller shipments that do not fill an entire container and are consolidated from multiple suppliers into the one container.


A duty or tax that needs to be paid on certain goods imported from one country to another.  This will add to the landed cost of the goods in question and the value depends on the type of product.

Landed Cost

The total cost of the goods to have them landed at your chosen location. The landed cost includes the Cost of Goods (COGS) from the factory, the cost of freight, customs duties, insurance, currency exchange etc. Basically any cost     involved to have the product landed in your warehouse.