Logistics Insurance
Benefits of Air Freight
2015-12-21 13:33  View:215

Faster delivery

The ports worldwide can be reached in 1 or 2 days or in a few hours by air freight, thus reducing the risks of theft, pilferage and damage to the goods. Delivery to certain areas may take several weeks to arrive by ocean and land freight. Time sensitive or perishable goods, such as fresh seafood and flowers, often rely on the air freight.

Better security

Air freight has a tighter control over its cargo, thus it has better security that reduces the cargo exposure to theft, pilferage and damage.

Less packaging

Air freight requires less packaging because of faster delivery and better security. Less packaging may mean saving freight, packaging and labor costs.

Lower insurance

Air freight is faster and has better security than the land and ocean freight, thus the insurance premium rate generally is lower.

Shorter collection time in an open account trade arrangement

The time to collect payment in an open account trade arrangement most often runs from the time the customer receives the goods and not from the time the goods are dispatched. Air delivery is fast, thus the collection time is shorter.