30 secrets to exhibiting success
2015-12-19 10:02  View:195

Trade shows can be a great opportunity to network and showcase your business. But they also demand quite an investment of your time and money, so make sure you're well prepared. Here are our top tips to help you get the best out of exhibiting, from designing your stand to the most effective ways to engage with prospective customers

On average 75% of visitors to an exhibition are there to buy or plan to buy in the future.

Exhibiting is the most cost effective way of getting your products and services in front of customers.

Exhibiting is the only medium which allows you to interact with potential customers, using all the five senses.

Decide why you are exhibiting and what you want to achieve. Have some specific, measurable targets in mind. For example, get 300 qualified sales leads or conduct 50 research interviews.

Design your stand to help deliver your objectives. Make sure it is smart, attractive and reflects well on your company.

Have one person in charge of every aspect of the exhibition.

80% of stand success is down to staff, so train them.

If you can invite people, do. If you don't, your competition will. Use social media, email and your website to get the message out.

Formulate a plan for how you will follow up all leads.

At the show, let people know you are there, advertise.

Don't ask closed questions. Open questions encourage prospects to talk about their company, issues and needs.

Keep your conversations with clients short and concise. Your aim is to speak to as many prospects as possible.

Turn off your mobile phone and focus on the visitors to your stand.

Get all the contact details and information you can from your prospect.

Make a rota, so everyone knows where he or she is and what he or she is doing, when.

Make eye contact and smile.

Listen to your prospect and sell benefits not features. For example, this is good for you because...

Go for it! Have staff whose presence says "Hi, how are you?".

You and your staff need to look fresh and feel fresh.

Use all five senses to attract people to your stand.

Have daily team debriefs.

Classify all leads.

Don't eat whilst on the stand.

Don't get into conversations about products you do not know, ask another team member to help/demonstrate.

Remember why you are there, stay focused on your objectives.

Talk less listen more.

Conduct a show debrief with the stand team and identify what went well and what didn't.

Follow up leads, you will need to contact them at least six times.

Make use of all the information you have gathered.

Book early for next year.