Pre-Exhibition Preparation
2015-12-19 09:51  View:210

If you want to get your informational results and make your participation in the exhibition pay for itself you should make exhibition preparation in advance. Remember, exhibitions last just four days, of which only three are generally productive. Most casual visitors showing an interest in your products and company are as much interested in gathering information for marketing and promoting their own products and company. They take a lot of your time and it seldom leads to something useful.

Your exhibition might be weeks or months away, but the sooner you start your pre-exhibition preparation, the better. We recommend that you find potential customers in whom YOU are interested, and schedule your meetings with them, in advance of your arrival. Furthermore, to be successful it is important to have a professional person at your booth who speaks both your language and Russian.

Nexus-Europe GmbH is experienced in assisting with pre-exhibition preparation that will maximize your potential to achieve your goals. Perhaps you require only our advice to create a scheme for how to prepare for exhibition and which steps to take. Or we can conceive and implement your exhibition preparation strategy, entirely in our hands, keeping you informed step by step.

Compiling a list of companies that meet your requirements, and could have an interest to meet with your representative to explore a possible cooperation.

Contacting the chosen companies on your behalf to arrange the meetings.

Creating the schedule for you for the exhibition, based on the customers you will choose.

Providing a professional Interpreter-Representative who will be at your booth all day not only for her translation services, but also to look nice, friendly, and help you to explain to your customers the specifics of your products.

Providing translation of your catalogue, brochures or advertisements into the native language of your customers.

Providing post exhibition services (translation, business correspondence, assistance in communication with your customers, and consulting).

Please note that to properly perform our pre-exhibition preparation services on behalf of our clients a minimum of 60 days is required prior to the exhibition date. After each stage we provide a report to the client, making adjustments if requested. We understand that every business is unique, and so are their objectives when expanding into Russia.