Trade Training
Business negotiation - terms of order
2015-12-18 16:53  View:526


A:Are you ready to place your order now ?

B:The order will be mailed to you next week 。

A:Is it going to the head office ?

B:No,I think it is going to be mailed to your local branch 。


A:Thank you very much for the order 。

B:We appreciate your fast service 。

A:We do the best we can 。

B:We‘ll be calling you again next month 。


A:We haven’t received your order yet.

B:It was mailed last week 。

A:I‘ll check the office one more time 。

B:And I’ll see if there was any mistake on our end 。


A:We need to make a change on our last order 。

B:What was the order number?

A:It was j-223,just double the second item 。

B:Sure ,I‘ll be glad to take care of it for you 。


A:I’m here to see the purchasing agent 。

B:He‘s not in his office at the moment.

A:May I wait ?

B:Yes ,he should return soon 。


A:I’m the purchasing agent here 。

B:I‘d like to give you one of our new catalogs 。

A:I’ll put it in my files 。

B:Thank you very much ,


A:Do you usually buy in large quantities ?

B:Our standard order is 500cases at a time 。

A:We can handle an order that size very easily.

B:We‘ll let you know the next time we need to place an order 。


A:If I place an order now ,when would you be able to ship it ?

B:That all depends on the size of the order 。

A:It will be about the same as it was last time 。

B:We should be able to get that off to you right away.


A:This is last order we will be placing for a while 。

B:Oh?Is there some trouble ?

A:No ,we’re just getting a lot of material stock piled 。

B:Let me know when you are ready to order again.


A:Do you have anything like this in your stock ?

B:May I see it a moment ?

A:Yes ,here you go.

B:Yes ,we can supply this for you 。