Trade Training
Delivery date and shipping
2015-12-18 16:32  View:172

       we can live with the other terms, but the delivery date is too soon.

couldn’t you make it eight weeks instead of ten? that would give us enough time to assemble the machine and meet the deadline set by our customer.

i don’t think we can meet the delivery date you suggest.

couldn’t you extend the delivery period by two weeks or so? that would make things much easier for us.

yes, i think we could bring the date forward by a week or so. but i’d have to check with headquarters before i can give you a firm promise.

now, as far as delivery dates are concerned, there shouldn’t be any problems.

you mustn’t let us down on delivery dates.

we can let you have the first batch in six weeks and the balance in about three months, from today, that is.

o.k., that’s agreed then. 20pcs in six weeks and the rest in early july.