Trade English
Business Spoken English Unit Fifteen: Agency Condition and Demand
2015-12-15 13:54  View:171

Part one

411. We can’t give you exclusive agency of the whole Europeanmarket without having the slightest idea of your possible annualmarketing turnover.

412. Before we know your sales volume, your plan for promotion and import license’s conditions,it is rather difficult for us to consider your proposal.

413.We have noted your quest to act as our agent in your district, but before going further intothe matter, we should like to know more about your market.

414.To enable us to make further study of your proposal, would you please let us know as earlyas possible the sales prospects of the item in your market ,your program in detail, your businessorganizations in various districts and their activities.

415.Unless you increase the turnover we can hardly point you as our sole agent.

416.If you can push the sales successfully for the next 6 month we may appoint you as our agent.

417.We feel it would be better to consider the matter of agency after you done more businesswith us.

418.To be our agent you need to increase your annual turnover.

419.To be our agent you are requested to push your sales of our product effectively.

420.We hope you will do your best to push the sale of our products.

421.To facilitate the extension of sales, you mush advertise our products by mean of TV andnewspapers.

422. We hope that you will redouble your efforts in your sales pushing.

423.To be our agent your minimum annual turnover should be at least 8000 cents.

424.If you could agree to terms, we would point you as our sole agent.

425.If terms are workable , we think you will be just the firm we would like to have to representus.

Part Two

426.If you wish to work for other firms as well, You must obtain our permission first.

427.To be our sole agent you should not sell similar products from other manufacturers withoutour prior approval .

428.As our agent, you should not sell products of similar characteristic from other maker’s .Wemust make that very clear.

429.As our sole distributor ,you will neither handle the same or similar products of other regionsnor re-export our goods outside to any other region outside your own.

430.During the validity of the agency agreement you should not handing any other foreignproducts of the same line and competitive types.

431.Every six month , we ‘d like to receive from you a detailed report on current marketconditions and user’s comments on our products.

432.Your market report should show how big demands for our products is in your market.

433.The market report should include the trend of the development of the market , upward ordownward.

434.We ‘d you to send us your sale’s statistics every six month instead of every year.

435.As our agent you should send us your market report regularly at least once every threemonth.

436.At the beginning of the sales promotion you have to try every means to overcome salesdifficulties.

437.To effectively promote sales , your way of doing business should always comply with theconstantly changing circumstances.

438.During the agency please pay close attention to the consumer’s comments on our products.

439.You are under obligation to display optimum samples of the products during the duration ofthe agency.

440.We hoped that you will strictly observe all the terms and condition of the agency agreement.