Trade Training
2015-12-18 13:28  View:162
1.)Before the Silk Road or Pepper Road, Greeks and Phoenicians developed strong rivalry for Mediterranean trade routes. Seas communicate, they do not isolate. In those ancient maps, the Asian- European trade or Mediterranean trade had obviously perfectly traced routes, and there were concessions and agreements among cities. wher could we see a map of international trade without routes? Yes, incredibly enough we can see trading without route maps, and it’s precisely on the Internet. You won’t believe it, but it’s true. In all international trade directories on the Internet, these maps lack routes. 
2.) The routes are not empty. All countries export things, goods, materials... that are transported, are ensured, companies ask for credits, pay taxes, etc, in different way by the different routes (conexion of countries), and arrive the port of other countries (importers).
The business isn't in the air, doesn't happen in isolated cities. Along the routes, from the beginning to the end, is wher the business happens.
3.) Curiously, Internet always talks about connecting the world, which is radically true, it connects, and so we give faith, but what about international trade? Why all import and export directories show cities disconnected?