Visa Processing
UK visa sponsorship for employers - 2. Types of licence
2015-12-17 17:12  View:426

2. Types of licence

The licence you need depends on whether the workers you want to fill your jobs are:

  • Tier 2 - skilled workers with long-term job offers
  • Tier 5 - skilled temporary workers

You can apply for a licence covering either tier or both.

Tier 2

Tier 2 is for skilled workers who you want to employ long-term or permanently. It’s split into:

  • General - the role must meet the job suitability requirements
  • Intra-Company Transfer - for multinational companies which need to transfer employees to the UK
  • Minister of Religion - for people coming to work for a religious organisation (for up to 3 years)
  • Sportsperson - for elite sportspeople and coaches who will be based in the UK

Tier 5

Tier 5 is for skilled workers you want to employ on a temporary basis. It’s split into:

  • Creative and Sporting - to work as a sportsperson (up to 1 year), entertainer or artist (up to 2 years)
  • Charity Worker - for unpaid workers (up to 1 year)
  • Religious Worker - for those doing preaching, pastoral and non-pastoral work (2 years)
  • Government Authorised Exchange - work experience (1 year), research projects or training, eg practical medical or scientific training (2 years) to enable a short-term exchange of knowledge
  • International Agreement - where the worker is coming to do a job which is covered by international law, eg employees of overseas governments