Visa Processing
Students: if your education provider loses their sponsor licence
2015-12-17 17:11  View:423

You’ll need to find a new course with a different education provider if your sponsor loses their licence. Your new education provider will need to sponsor you.

How long you can stay

Your current visa will be limited to 60 days (or however long you have left on the visa if it’s less than 60 days).

You’ll have to leave the UK if you don’t find a new sponsor in that time.

Your visa will be withdrawn immediately if you’re involved in the reasons for the withdrawal.

If your sponsor is taken over by another organisation

Your visa won’t be affected if the new organisation:

  • already has a sponsor licence
  • applies for a sponsor licence within 28 days

If not, your visa will be limited to 60 days (or however long you have left on the visa if it’s less than 60 days).

You’ll have to leave the UK if you haven’t found a new sponsor by the end of that time.