Visa Processing
Settlement: refugee or humanitarian protection
2015-12-17 17:09  View:248

1. Overview

You can apply to settle in the UK (known as ‘indefinite leave to remain’) if you’ve got a residence card as a:

  • refugee
  • person with humanitarian protection

Check if you’re eligible in the relevant category.


There’s no fee for applying for settlement as a refugee or person who’s been given humanitarian protection.

Family members

You may be able to include your partner and any children on your settlement application if they’re already in the UK as your dependants - check if they’re eligible.

If you can’t include your family members on your settlement application

Your partner and children can apply to be reunited with you in the UK if your family was formed before you left your country.

Your family members can apply to join you in the UK instead if one of the following is true:

  • they’re not eligible to apply as a partner or a child
  • your family was formed after you left your country

If your application is successful, your family members will have permission to stay in the UK for the same length of time as you.