Trade Knowledge
Commercial Documents of Foreign Trade
2015-12-16 13:30  View:186



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An offer to sell goods and should state clearly the price, details of quality, quantity, trade terms, delivery terms, and payment terms.


Sales Contract

An agreement between the buyer and the seller stipulating every details of the transaction. It is a legally binding document. It is therefore advisable to seek legal advice before signing the contract.

Exporter and importer

Pro Forma Invoice

An invoice provided by a supplier prior to the shipment of merchandise, informing the buyer of the kinds and quantities of goods to be sent, their value, and importation specifications (weight, size and similar characteristics). This is not issued for demanding payment but may be used when applying for an import licence/permit or arranging foreign currency or other funding purposes.


Commercial Invoice

It is a formal demand note for payment issued by the exporter to the importer for goods sold under a sales contract. It should give details of the goods sold, payment terms and trade terms. It is also used for the customs clearance of goods and sometimes for **** purpose by the importer.



Packing List

A list with detailed packing information of the goods shipped.



Inspection Certificate

A report issued by an independent surveyor (inspection company) or the exporter on the specifications of the shipment, including quality, quantity, and/or price, etc; required by certain buyer and countries.

Inspection Company or Exporter

Insurance Policy/ Certificate

An insurance policy is an insurance document evidencing insurance has been taken out on the goods shipped, and it gives full details of the insurance coverage. An insurance certificate certifies that the shipment has been insured under a given open policy and is to cover loss of or damage to the cargo while in transit.

Insurer or Insurance Agent or Insurance Broker

Product Testing Certificate

A certificate to certify the products are conformed to a certain international/national technical standard, such as product quality, safety and specifications, etc.

Accredited Laboratories



Health Certificate

document issued by the competent country when agricultural or food products are being exported, to certify that they comply with the relevant legislation in the exporter's country and were in good condition at time of inspection, prior to shipment and fit for human consumption.

Exporter / Inspection Authority




Phytosanitary Certificate

Frequently an international requirement that any consignment of plants or planting materials importing into a country shall be accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate issued by the exporting country stating that the consignment is found substantially free from diseases and pests and conforms with the current phytosanitary regulations of the importing country. Application of the certificate in Hong Kong should be made to the Agriculture and Fisheries Department.


Fumigation Certificate

A pest control certificate issued to certify that the concerned products have been undergone the quarantine and pre-shipment fumigation by the approved fumigation service providers. It is mainly required by the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and UK's customs on solid wood packing material from Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland.

Exporter or Inspection Company

ATA Carnet

An international customs document used to obtain a duty-free temporary admission for goods such as exhibits for international trade fairs, samples and professional equipment, into the countries that are signatories to the ATA Convention.


Consular Invoice

A document required by some foreign countries, showing shipment information such as consignor, consignee, and value description, etc. Certified by a consular official of the importing country stationed in the foreign country, it is used by the country's customs officials to verify the value, quantity and nature of the shipment.
